A big warm welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska



I want to start out by saying that if you really want to be successful online,
you MUST learn the skills required.

We want you to succeed!
These three things will help you increase your chances of succeeding: 

1. Stay in the game for at least three months.
This at least will give you a fighting chance.

2. Be consistent. Learn and be active every day.

3. To be honest, the reason Elizabeta and I make sales every day is
BECAUSE we impliment the Five Critical Skills. 

If you really want to be successful you MUST eventually go on to the
Advanced Training and begin mastering these skills.



See what you can earn with the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS) and how Jeff Aman
was able to leave his full time 69k a year job because of PMS.
This will EXCITE you! 


Now watch the PMS compensation plan video.
 Its really awesome!

Check out Jeff Amans bonuses. This is REALLY exciting! 
Then come back to this page

Login to PMS to get your affiliate link info:

Login to PMS: 

Then follow the instructions Jeff Aman gives and request your special page
 by emailing him with the info he asks for:


 Watch this video about what it takes to really make
consistent income online:

Now get your Special link from us! 

We will make you the very same funnel that we use to get sales and build our team.
Get your PMS affilitate link and your picture ready. 
These are both vital to brand yourself
and make sales online. 
Send us your link Jeff Aman made for you also.

Then just email it to us here: EliAlbie67@gmail.com


Start advertising and promoting!

If you are NEW to advertising, then go here.
Come back when you're done.

Otherwise, go inside your Prosperity Marketing System to the Training Course Tab
and then Go down to Free Traffic and Elite Traffic Club and
get all your Traffic Bonuses and then start promoting.

Don't forget that 1000 hits (not 1000 "sends") is how many actual website views you
need to get the "ball rolling" and for you to begin getting subscribers online.
Anything less than this is NOT enough. Ask us to share with you your hits each week and
we will be glad to. If you're getting 1000 hits a week but not getting subscribers,
we may need to change your ad pages. 

you will be learning the Five Critical Skills. You can see the basics of them here.  
Scroll down to the link at the bottom of the page to begin them. 


1) Effective Advertising and Tracking your links. 

2) Building your own splash pages.
Just using "generic" made for you pages is not good enough.
This does not help you brand yourself or allow people to get to know you personally.
One key to internet marketing is "know like and trust" If they don't get to know you they won't get to like you or trust you and they won't buy from you. So that's the beginning of how consistent sales is made online. 

3) Building your own list. You’ve heard this a bunch of times I’m sure.And it’s true.
Your capture pages have to be good enough to get enough subscribers each week
to build your list.

4) Connecting with your list.
This is the most vital part of the equation.I call it
the "electric connection” that has to take place between you and your subscribers
and your potential clients.

5) Building your own funnel pages.
A funnel page is kind of like a Walmart:
you go to Walmart to get a birthday card and walk out with a tv. LOL.
So you have to learn the skill of building an online funnel that works
similar to this example. PMS IS an effective online funnel!


To get help learning these skills one at a time using the Prosperity Marketing
Splash Page builder, Autoresponder, Jeff Amans ad copy andunderstanding
this awesome funnel Darren Orlander has made (PMS), please contact us,
so we can get back with you and help you learn!


and we will get back with you ASAP!



Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020